Five Tips For Your First Standup Comedy Set

So you’re ready to do your first standup comedy set after downing 5 shirley temples. You think you know everything on how to be funny. But wait, before you go up for your comedy debut, here are 5 tips you might find useful for your first stand up performance:
1. Bring your friends.
Bringing your friends to a show is a double-edged sword. On one hand, they might just laugh at all your jokes even if they’re not funny. On the other hand, they might not laugh at all even if you are funny. But if it’s your first time, you need all the support you can get. Having supportive friends in the audience should help you feel comfortable on stage and help build your confidence, unless they’re funnier than you. Get a few performances under your belt, then you can do without them because the groupies will start coming.
2. Channel your nervous energy.
Everyone feels butterflies in their tummies. I still do, I just don’t throw up anymore. The key is to learn to use that nervousness onstage. Convert that anxiety into performance energy. Commit to your jokes and say them like you really mean them. You’ll be surprised how useful this nervousness can be.
3. Stick to your time.
Nobody likes a comedian who goes over time, especially when that comedian is bombing. Whether you’re doing an open mic or a paid show, you should always be aware of your time limit and stick to it. This is a courtesy to the other comedians who are waiting for their turn and also to show the club owner that you are a professional even if you’re just starting out.
4. Memorize your set.
You don’t have to memorize your bits verbatim but at least commit your set list to memory. Know what jokes you’re going to open with and what jokes to close with. As much as possible, try not to keep looking at your notes as this will distract you and your audience. I actually should do this in open mics as well.
5. Enjoy.
Have fun. After all, if doing comedy isn’t fun then it’s probably not worth doing it, right?
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