Killer Stand Up Review
One of the biggest challenges when you’ve been doing comedy for over 13 years like I have is coming up with new material (without the aid of mind altering substances). Yeah, I do the notebook thing and write down stuff when I have a funny idea or if something hilarious happens. But that can only get me so much. I still get material out if it but mostly one liners or 2 minuters if it’s really good. What I’ve noticed is that my sets are usually better when I have a theme. The audience is more receptive when I talk about topics that are tied together. Also, it’s easier to memorize my sets and that’s very important when I headline and do 30 minutes to over an hour.
I found this Killer Standup website that claimed to teach you how to write in comedy chunks. At first, I was skeptic like I am with most products on comedy coaching (maybe because of that comedy coach I met back when I was an open miker – he had a pony tail and did his sessions in his bedroom). Then I found a testimonial on the site from a good friend of mine and fellow comic Joe Braza. So I decided to try it out.
Steve Roye was able to break down into a system how to come up with chunks of comedy material. Honestly, I know most of the stuff he discusses in his product but what was really valuable to me was his efficiency at creating material that revolved around themes. It took me a couple of actual sets of trying out his system before I got it down. Now, when I come up with material it is so much faster and easier. If I had his product when I first started, I’d probably have 10 times the material I have now.
If you’re starting out as a comedian or even if you’re experienced, you will definitely benefit from the Killer Stand-Up System (I’m beginning to sound like a used car salesman). Honestly, the 2 things that have helped me as a stand-up are Judy Carter’s Stand-up Comedy book and the Killer Stand-Up system. Of course, there’s still no substitute to stage time.
To purchase the Killer Stand-Up System Click Here!.
Hey, if it doesn’t work, Steve gives you a 60-day money back guarantee. And yes, I do get a commission if you buy it from this link. Helping other comedians and making money isn’t a bad thing.
Good luck!