Prayer for a Sense of Humor

Here’s a nice prayer I found while surfing the web. I hope it lightens up your day.

I’m feeling weird these days.
People everywhere are frowning.
Maybe it’s because of the weather.
Or the traffic jam that causes delays.
But I have a sinking feeling that no one’s
in the mood for fun and a little laughter.
Like the man on the street who used to
be so cheery. I saw him awhile ago sulking.
Or the lady who used to give me an ear to
ear grin. She did not even lift her face
to welcome me when I entered her store.
Kids and old people are irritable. I don’t
know for what reason. Maybe, this too
will pass. But when? I do not know.
So I ask you today, please…
Give us a sense of humor.
Let someone crack joke, or do something
stupid. That would elicit laughter from us.
Let us forget, even if for a moment, our problems
and concerns.

Lord, I beg you. Give us a sense of humor
and I mean RIGHT NOW!

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